Canis Liberi offers You semantic text editing in the field of language editing and linguistic and stylistic editing in accordance with grammatical, spelling and stylistic rules of the language. After the final text formatting, redaction and proofreading, please feel free to contact us for the final editing of your work. We know how to overcome creative crises, how to analyze, explore and identify facts and details that are essential for one text to reach the required level and satisfy the criteria of each writer.
We provide services for correction, editing and proofreading in all languages that are included in our range of services.
Linguistic and stylistic editing...
Job applications – Resume, request, recommendations – We will improve style, coherence and consistency of Your applications. We will also take care of formatting so that Your application has structure and clarity.
Business materials – brochures, marketing materials, website contents, business plans – Your business documents will be thoroughly proofed to remove all language errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling). In addition, Your content will be edited in order to improve its style, structure, coherence and clarity.
Academic articles – eseji, doktorati, recenzije, osvrti, prikazi,
završni i diplomski radovi. Uređivanje, lektoriranje i oblikovanje – sve u jednoj cijeni!
Your manuscripts and publications – novels, books, poetry, fiction and non-fiction – by professional editing, feedback and proofreading we will make sure that Your written works do not contain any errors and that they are ready for publication. We will arrange Your work to improve clarity, sentence structure, diction, flow, coherence and consistency of the text without removing the authentic style.